I loved the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I especially liked Chiang and the lessons he taught Jonathan. Near the end of the book one of those lessons came when Jonathan had arrived in a world that was not familiar to him. Jonathan felt that because everything in that world was so fast and so different that it must be heaven; but Jonathan soon senses that this is not heaven. He says to his teacher; this world isn’t heaven at all is it? Chiang replies,” there is no place called heaven Jonathan.” Heaven and any “place “or Space implies dimension. Time implies distance. Know that this is all from our mind! Heaven is a state of bliss that we create! We have no need to go anywhere. It is all here and now. It is all here within us. As spirit we are everywhere present. This is found in the preaching’s of the immanence of God by the early pioneers of Spiritualism. Spirit cannot be contained in a box! Nor does spirit go “places”. It is all here and now and created from our mind. Heaven is not a place, and it is not a time. Heaven is a state of being. God itself is a state of being. We are one. When the oneness speaks, we all hear it. It resonates as truth through our being. It is not so difficult to accept oneness when it is the truth speaking. While we are not separate from the oneness it does appear that we are missing a piece. A piece of the puzzle that would explain why we forget. There is only you! Why do we sometimes choose not so great situations? Is there a greater purpose in our wanderings that will have us laughing and dancing when we come to the greatest of all “aha” moments? Perhaps without the urgency of belief we would not have any physical experience. Until that day we must trust more! Judge less! There is only you! It is only self we do not trust. Did you read The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer? He stopped trying to figure it all out and just said yes to everything. And Joseph Campbell urged that we must say yes to life! Do not resist life (futile) or interfere (in to fear). There is nothing to fix! The director, the producer, the author of all this is you! You are the light at the end of the tunnel!! In Genesis “God” created the world and all that is in it. “He” declared it good. All that is, or ever will be, already is! We have access to all that has been created and it is the eternal now and it is here for us to enjoy (at times a very scary movie). When my husband came to me with the key to his life, I knew that he could choose the experience that would best suit him and what he wanted to experience. We are all walking the halls of time and no matter what appears to be we are safe! Be here now! Fully present. Fear not as we are always here! We just forget! I have a very quirky friend and when I am struggling with an understanding she is quick to say; “you must have forgot.” (She says it just like that...you must have forgot!) We have all forgotten! We are indeed the one, manifesting as the many. To understand oneness we must experience oneness, and many have, even if for only a moment. Barry Goldstein had a beautiful moment in his dream and the song that manifested as a result of that awakening. His song tells the story and it is called “the moment”. We have so many helping hands! Our egoistic mind has difficulty understanding all the mysteries. Our infinites self understands it all.
I trust Cora Richmond and what she opened to in one of her many OBEs: “no soul ever goes astray. No soul is ever lost. No soul is shadowed. No soul is darkened. Whatever occurs in human expressions on the earth, or on any planet, can in no way affect the soul in its eternal being nor in its divine quality of absolute life and light.” Namaste! emmy chetkin
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Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024