One who knows others is wise. One who knows himself is enlightened..........Lao Tzu
In this time of relative isolation most of us have more quiet time than normally surrounds our days. And so I did what anyone would do..........I began to clean my office. In the midst of this daunting job, I came across a meditation my husband had many years ago. This meditation was designed to help us in manifesting our true self. He received two words; reveal yourself! As I pondered this long-ago memory, I reminded myself of how often in our long history some version of knowing our true self comes into our line of vision. Yet we are so accustomed to feeling unworthy, as in not good enough that we do not accept the teachings of the ages. Jesus asks us; “have ye forgotten ye are gods?” The answer is given in the gnostic gospels: “abandon the search for God and learn who it is within you. To know thyself is to know God”. The answer is given by Black Elk. “At the center of the universe dwells the great spirit. That center is everywhere. It is in each of us.” The answer is given by Emerson: “Oh man no planet sun or star could hold you if you but knew who you are”. The answer is given by Mohammed when he says, “he who knows his own self knows God”. We are told in so many ways by so many teachers that we are spirit. Spirit grand and glorious. Spirit sensitive and humble. We are also taught the opposite side of that coin. The side that says we are sinners. The Buddha knows himself because he has awakened to the truth. Before his awakening he was asleep. We can all awaken from this deep sleep of Adam. Would we chastise or blame sleeping babies for errors that are only in their dreams? We are those sleeping babies! Carly Simon had a song and, in this song, I only remember two lines: “don’t wake me unless you love me. It takes too long to fall back asleep”. We can love the sleepers! As the self begins to feel safe and to recognize itself, we will awaken. We have bought the lies that we are sinners and must be punished. Cora Richmond learned in her many journeys out of the body that we are not sinners. “No soul ever goes astray. No soul is ever lost. No soul is shadowed. No soul is darkened. Whatever occurs in human expressions on the earth, or on any planet, it cannot in any way affect the soul in its eternal being, nor in its divine quality of absolute life and light”. Namaste! emmy chetkin
Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024