If you would like to help by donating your time, your services or to teach a class there are many ways you can help us, help your community.
DONATE FLOWERS - Donate flowers for the Sunday service to celebrate a special event or as a remembrance. Call Roy Mongomery at 716-595-3196 Or leave a donation in the flower box at the back of the church.
TEACH A CLASS OR OFFER A WORKSHOP - The education and Workshop committee is currently booking workshops and has open evenings for classes. Submit proposals for approval to COLS. PO Box 224, Lily Dale, NY 14752 or call MK Roland at 716-208-7044
HELP THOSE IN NEED - Bring a non-perisable food item or pet food item and place in the baskets and boxes at the back of the church for donation to local charities.
SHARE YOUR MUSICAL TALENTS AT SUNDAT SERVICE If you wish to offer your musical talent please contact Emmy Chetkin at 716-595-2697
OTHER TALENTS OR IDEAS FOR SERVICE- Contact any board member to discuss these
DONATE TO THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING SPIRIT We appreciate any and all donations that you wish to give. All donations are tax refundable.