“Time is a created thing”... Lao Tzu
We are vibratory beings! Our vibration harmonizes with creation and places us exactly where we need to be for whatever we may need. When we love the situation, we feel our “free will” and our prayers delivered the situation to us. Other times the situation seems like a mistake and “not so great”! We look for someone to blame; forgetting that this world is God’s creation. Created and declared good. We forget Ecclesiastes and that there is nothing new under the sun. Sadly, we do not trust God’s creation. We need more trust and less fear! In truth all situations are for us. This world, this time, any situation good or not so good is all for us. If we want to improve our situation we must learn to focus on harmony and the oneness which is the truth of us. Good does not come from negativity! The end does not justify the means! Carl Jung tells us “Condemnation does not liberate; it oppresses”. We cannot stop life! All that ever was or ever will be already is in this ever present now. Always unfolding and always in divine order. As our vibration expands to include all that is so does our ability to move through the situation with grace and most importantly to do no harm. I feel one of the best examples of our vibration syncing us with creation is depicted in the story of Narada. In this parable the teacher is thought to be Krishna. The names are not important. The teaching is. The story is simple. Narada is a young monk and is asking Krishna to teach him about the Maya. Today we know the Maya as the illusion of this world in its many aspects. We know this but we forget! Just as any player in any game does not always make the best choices. The illusion of Maya manifests in any aspect of the earthly plane. In this parable Narada is about to learn about the Maya and the illusion of time. On this day Krishna asks Narada to accompany him on a few days journey to another village. Narada is proud to be with his teacher and they start their journey. Soon Krishna gives Narada a jug to carry and points to a small village a short distance off the path. He tells Narada to go to the first house and ask to have their jug filled with water. Narada goes to the house and the door is opened by a beautiful young maiden who invites Narada inside while she gets the water. Narada is already in “love”. He has taken his attention off the jug..... his purpose. His vibration follows his attention. Soon the girls’ father arrives home and Narada is invited to dinner. He is now in another world. All memory of his teacher and his days as a monk are gone. Days, weeks, and years go by. The girl’s father dies. Narada and the girl are married and have children. One day there is a gigantic storm and flood waters wash through the village and all is destroyed. Narada cannot save his wife or his children and he is on his knees and in tears with grief. At that moment Narada feels a tap on his shoulder and as he turns, he sees his teacher. Krishna says: “Narada fifteen minutes have gone by. Where is my jug of water?” Narada is stunned as he realizes that for himself 12 years have passed. His illusion is shattered! This illusion of time is the Maya in one of its aspects. In the density of earth vibration, the 15 minutes felt like 12 years. Narada enjoyed a lifetime in 15 minutes! We too feel the illusion of time when we are experiencing our higher self. Perhaps not to the extent of this parable but we all have seen how dreams and hypnosis and even a pleasant outing can appear to alter time. These aspects of the Maya can alter our perception of space, of sight, of sound, of time and the reality of our body’s sensations of pain and joy. Any finite situation can be altered by our vibration. Only the infinite is real. In this physical world we have duality. Opposites! It is easy to become ensnared. We are not of duality. We must become more adept at this game and be careful of duality. A gift with two faces! We are one with all that is. We can align ourselves with the oneness and the harmony that is who we are. It is a game of life. Games have wins and losses. Villains and heroes. No one is truly harmed. We awaken from the dream. We have not lost our spirit self. We are not and cannot be disconnected from who we are. Namaste! emmy chetkin
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Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024