Albert Einstein In the above quote Albert Einstein echoes this understanding of the need for silence and stillness that has been voiced through the ages by Lao Tzu, Kafka, Rilke, Black Elk, and so many teachers, guides and philosophers whose eyes and ears and hearts have expanded to allow greater understanding. Their sharing of what they have experienced gives us a glimpse of what is. We must walk our unique path into our own experience of knowing. Jesus tells us “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be given to you.” Where is this kingdom? Where is this knowing? We do not earn this knowing, and we cannot lose this knowing. It is in each and every one of us. It is in all of life. It cannot be otherwise. Our pioneers of Spiritualism preached the necessity of going within. They knew so well that to identify with this world will for a time lead us off the appointed route. Even our GPS lets us know that we have left the appointed route. Even our GPS will re-route us or give us a new route to take us to our chosen destination. It is up to us to accept guidance or go our own way knowing that eventually life will lead us to our appointed destiny. This world is the Maya. It is the illusion. All things physical are finite. We are infinite. We are now experiencing the physical, but we are not of it. We are of spirit. The truth of our being is not the exterior body but is our infinite self which is the source of this body. God is the infinite intelligence which resides in every cell and molecule and atom that came together to allow us this experience. Yet too much of a good thing can become less and less satisfying and even lead to illness as we desperately seek to find our way to the missing link of our satisfaction. Like all persons away from home we must check in now and then to remember who we are and where we came from. True life is the life of spirit. The physical can only satisfy us momentarily and then we are searching for more. This urge for more keeps us searching, and in searching we learn more and more of who we are and what does truly satisfy our longings. This longing for the truth can be nurtured through our meditations and our stillness. I read the other day that fifteen minutes of silence and stillness is the best exercise we can do for ourselves! Sometimes when we are on a long road that we know by heart we allow ourselves to relax and enjoy the drive. A few days ago, I was in just such a moment while driving. I “felt” life flowing through me nourishing and guiding me. The message was a new awareness that spirit manifesting as life through life is always present within us. I talk about this teaching of the immanence of God but somehow in that moment some part of me expanded and I accepted that life truly can be trusted. And that God manifesting as life through all of us can be trusted. That short moment was a blessing. All of life can be like a wonderful trip on a familiar road! We can relax and enjoy the ride and know that all is well. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to us all! Namaste! emmy chetkin
Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024