'you have within you more love than you could ever understand' - Rumi
A chance to love! How many chances do we get to love in life? A lot! The chance to love is the gift we receive from the creator as we enter life. Let us use this gift and use it and use it! How many times in a day or a week or a month so we make the choice to not love? The choice to love is always present! I often quote my friend and teacher who would answer when I would question loving everyone. “You have to love Emmy. You do not have to take them home with you.” Picture for a moment ‘you’ at the pearly gates, and now inside, and now face to face with the creator. Your life rolls in front of you and all those moments you chose not to love are presented to you. What a travesty, what a sad day! I actually play that game with myself from time to time, and those times I chose to withhold love, make me want to hide. I resolve once more to not let those opportunities to love ever slip away. and yet again, in yet another disguise, the chance to love presents itself and once more I harden my heart. I turn my head. I forget we are one. I forget we are love. I unconsciously make my decision. That no goodnik does not deserve love! That person is pesky, too needy, annoying, too loud, too quiet, mean, manipulating… For whatever is my rationale at the moment I have withheld love. Love is for sale! We decide who deserves our love and who has earned it. In these moments of withhold we could remind ourselves that them most seemingly horrible person needs the healing balm of love the most. William Law tells us: ‘Love has no errors. All errors are a lack of love’ There is nothing stopping us from sending love in any situation. You do not have to take the person home with you! Send love from the silence of your heart. Energy never lies and our love is felt whenever we open the channels; and opening the channels is easy because loving is our purpose. “I believe that the reason for life is for all of us simply to grow in love” - leo tolstoy Recorded by many artists is this song: ‘Why me lord? what have I done to deserve even one of the blessings I’ve known? Why me lord? what did I ever do that was worth love from you and the kindness you’ve shown?’ This song was not my husbands style of singing, but he would sing it endlessly for me because I loved it so much. It became my mantra in difficult times. I know that the love we are given from the creator to supports on this earthly path is not earned. We are treated as temples of love and this love was meant to sustain one another as the one we are. This precious powerful love sits so patiently and so abundantly waiting for us to let it flow. What a glorious purpose we have! What a powerful mission. A mission so sacred, so profound and so simple! Love one another! We cannot use love up, and we cannot misplace it or put it in the wrong place. It is never the wrong time to love! May we all enjoy a loving and joyous holiday season! Namaste Emmy
Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024