After a grocery run with my two young grandchildren, I decided to break one of my daughters’ rules. The one about no sugar! The children were delighted as we pulled into Tim Hortons for doughnuts. I think I lessened the crime by getting us only water to drink! When we arrived at the window for our doughnuts, I had my dollars ready but the woman at the window said; “no need for you to pay. The customer ahead of you took care of your bill.” Adrian my nine-year-old grandson was in a state of surprise. “Grandma a random person paid our bill!” And that awareness was followed by him saying “what goes around comes around”. And so began a discussion that continued from Jamestown to home. I explained that while we are many people, we are really one big energy and that means that when you give to one you are giving to all. I told them that is why Jesus said, “what you do unto the least of these my brethren you do for me.” I was happy that he had recognized the phrase and knew enough to see it applied in this situation. So, I pushed my window of opportunity a little further and suggested we send our energy of “thank you and have a good day” to the generous man who had paid our bill. No problem! I had them captive in the car and they enjoyed the talking and were also eager to get home and share the event! I reminded myself that spirit speaks to us and gives us inspiration on a regular basis and that this small interaction was a gift. I may have missed it but for the children. Children surely carry the gift of wonder and expression to us from the spirit world. My grandmother always said that their shoulder blades were a remnant of our angel wings; a physical reminder to us all that under our egos and sometimes negative behavior we are good. Today’s busy fast paced world does not allow for much contemplation. We have to choose the quiet and the silence. I will close with a story about my granddaughter and the wisdom of children. Rosie likes to play a game called Memory. She always wins!! A few weeks ago, after yet another win; she looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes and says; “I won again, and I did not even use my abilities”! Let us bless these babes who come to us full of amazing understanding and wisdom. They trust us! If we help make space and the time to respect their stories, their dreams and announcements they will grow into the amazing teachers and lights they have come to express.
Namaste! emmy chetkin
Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024