The breath of life is our magic wand! One night recently I was restless and unable to sleep. I was drawn to the magical breath of life. I began to breathe slow calming breaths that I hoped would allow me the gift of sleep.
I reminded myself of the sacredness of our breath, and how every breath is a prayer. As I acknowledged the sacredness of our breath beyond the physical sustaining necessity of life, I felt better and better. I wondered about the rest of my life and how it would unfold. Lisa Williams had brought me a copy of Anita Moorjanis’ book signed by Anita: “ Emmy! live life fearlessly”! Powerful words! We can all embrace those words. They carry the power given to us all at birth; the power and the gift of choosing our actions and our reactions to the gifts and the challenges of life. When we do this consciously, we allow life to flow through us animating every cell and every molecule in ways we may not have experienced. A life that is shimmering, fully engaged, and lifted into the lightness of being. Our true self is not so much concerned with doing as with being! The lightness of being is available to us all. Life will always have challenges. Patricia Hayes would remind us; tests and challenges …….peace and enjoyment! Our breath can carry us over the bumps on the road of life. Our breath is our connection to spirit. Breathe! Once many years ago I was in a therapy session and having the biggest pity party. I must have been making a lot of noise because my teacher came into the room and asked; “have you suffered enough Emmy?” I was jolted into awareness! That jolt of awareness brought a reminder. Yes, I have suffered enough. Breathe! Namaste! Emmy Chetkin
Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024