Time does not move ......we move through time! And now is the time for us to enter the season of bounty and light. This season has been waiting and preparing for us all year and we know there will be challenges as well as magical moments. This segment of our world that we are now passing through is a wondrous place of feelings. And in the holidays, feelings can run the highest of high and the lowest of low. Our “teachers” in the form of family and friends and situations are up front and personal and the obvious presence of plenty and lack expose duality to us in ways we cannot help but see. It is in this time (and in all time) that we must stay in balance and not become attached to how we want it to be; not become attached to how it should be! It is what it is! Hold that thought for a moment ......meditate on it. It is what it is! We cannot change it til we accept it. Go within and listen! Accept life as it is. Without acceptance we have resistance, and what we resist will persist! Our acceptance (love) releases the judgement and sets the situation free to be as Creator meant it to be. Our judgement can become a prison from which we cannot escape. Our judgement creates separation and the duality that keeps us from the oneness we are. It is our judgement, our interference, that creates the suffering and gives those who are experiencing anger the ability to feed off our negatives. The Buddha has taught that attachment is the cause of our sorrows. Attachment to how we want “it” to be prevents us from enjoying life in all its many faces. Do we want to be right or do we want it to work! Not being attached does not mean we cannot own things. Not being attached does not mean we cannot enjoy all the senses of physical life. Not being attached does mean we must not let things, or situations, or events own us. When anything owns you, it is addiction! When ideas or events or things own us we become like Narada and blinded by the senses; we forget our purpose! We are here to create heaven on earth and to bring the duality to oneness. When we can do this free from the judgement of duality we will be in a state of paradise. In the meantime, we have plenty of opportunities to practice the love that the season in all its glory invites and entices us to give. This love of life is the humblest of gifts, and at the same time the most powerful healer. Remember that God is life manifesting as life through life! Love life!
If we are able to release judgement on all fronts. If we are able to trust Creator to have created a wonderful world and realize it is only our judgement and interference that creates our misery. If we can do this and not lose sight of who we truly are we will expand and allow the acceptance of the gifts of spirit in full measure. We are truly blessed. Let us give thanks and celebrate the holidays free from judgement. Namaste! emmy chetkin
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Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024