“Thought is your enemy”! krishnamurti
Thinking is over rated! More and more we can come to realize that thinking interferes with our ability to see the light! After all thinking is just a compilation of all we have ever experienced; a pile of memories and an accumulation of knowledge stored in our mind. Old tapes running over and over. Ecclesiastes: what has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun. There is nothing new under the sun! Those who are able to see what already is do so through the process of true perception. True perception is an inner knowing and requires no thought. William Blake tells us: “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.” True perception has nothing to do with our physical eyes. True perception is beyond thought and time. True perception is the inner knowing of what already is. With the doors of perception cleansed we are able to cast aside the physical labor, and the labor of thought, which requires time. We will see clearly that we need not re-create. Do we think we can make this life better than God has created for us? Genesis says God looked at what he created and called it good. We already have all we need! We just need to see it as it is. The eternal now! All that ever was or ever will be already is. Jesus demonstrated this with the loaves and the fishes. He saw what already was and that no struggle to feed the many was necessary. And in his healing ministry Jesus saw the sick and dying as they truly are; alive and well. Any semblance of lack or disease or need for struggle is false and brought about only by our resistance to the truth of us. We are spirit! We cannot be anything else. We need not struggle to be connected…….we are connected. We do not need to ask to be closer to God. We are as close as we can be. God/Spirit is our very breath! Jesus scolds the apostles “have ye forgotten ye are Gods?” Buddha tells his followers……”I am awake”! Our greatest moments come when we are not thinking. Our greatest moments come from that mysterious place of no time. Lionel Ritchie is a proponent of no thought; when he is acting as a vocal coach he tells his students: “Don’t think! Just sit and let it come through you!” I have heard Ritchie say this, and similar statements, often and I believe this is a method he applies to many avenues of life. Are we thinking when we are in the act of creating a work of art? Are we thinking when we are overcome with joy? Are we thinking when we move forward in the state of love to help one in need? Are we thinking when, in a moment of synchronicity, events fall into place as if by magic? Stillness envelops us when thought has been put aside. Our spirit takes over. Fear and judgement drop away and we move forward, free from thought, to be in the “God” state. This perception; this inner knowing translates to all of our physical senses. We “hear” with our inner senses loud and clear what we need to hear. We see what is unseen, and we are flooded with “good” and gratitude. We do not think our way to self-realization! Spirit does not require our “good thoughts” to bring us to grace. . Remember Saul of Tarsus; was he thinking good thoughts on his way to persecute Christians? He was most likely thinking of ways to kill and torture! Persecution is not the answer to any conflict! And yet with persecution filling his mind Saul was “struck by light” and lifted to a new life of love and service. Our spirit does not need our good thoughts to bring us to where we need to be. We are in charge only up to a point! We do not go beyond the point of no return. The spirit which is the truth of us enters in and saves us from ourselves! Time is a created thing! In truth we created time in order to enjoy our creations. And thought is a process to be used in this world. However thought will not take us to the next step on our journey. Thought and time are of this world. And in this world we have made thought and time paramount. Creations that were to be our servants, have become our masters. Bertrand Russel tells us that it is a healthy idea now and then to hang a question mark on things we have long taken for granted”.
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Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024