“Energy Does Not Lie”!
Patricia Hayes, founder of Delphi University, used this phrase in almost every class. Many teachings we immediately recognize; others take experience for us to accept. Over the years I saw this truth manifest for me in my own life. I have had my energies mirrored to me many times. More often than I would like that mirror image is unmistakably “me” and is not always a pretty sight! Energy does not lie! We are vibratory beings and our vibration comes into the room long before we enter. This vibration signals those we come into contact with in ways not even known to us. We are vibratory beings and vibrations resonate with one another; talk with one another and telegraph our intentions, our desires, our abilities and our needs. Our vibration can attract those who are able to benefit from, or contribute to our abilities. Our vibration, when in a mode of non-judgement, can manifest as a healing for those in need; an inspiration for those who are stuck in a pattern that is not for their highest good. When we are emitting an energy of judgement, or not so good intent those around us pick up our signal and may back away. No one wants to be judged and judgement is not an arena of healing. Even broadcasting a vibration of intensity or frustration can fill others with a desire to move on to calmer waters. Hopefully receivers of this not so good energy are aware that negative behavior is a cry for help. Hopefully those who feel our off balance energy will send us a prayer of healing and well-being. That’s what we are here for; to help one another. Let us remember “we are one”. It is a good idea to consciously keep our energy in a vibration of love, well-being and success. We can do this through music, inspirational readings, and the all-time most powerful process……..meditation! The Buddha did not sit under that tree for nothing! Energy does not lie and vibrates the truth of us to those with ears to hear and eyes to see. Reading another person’s energy is not as easy as we may think. Our ears and our eyes are not always spiritually open and we may read from our ego. We often misread energy out of fear and sometimes out of a desire to “make it work?” Is our sensory antenna put off course by our own bias! Yes to all the above. But fear not for we are here to learn and unfold our abilities. Inherently everything and everyone is in a state of change; all evolving to find balance and harmony. We perceive everything around us through the filter of our own state of mind. To be awake and aware is to see the complete picture. Once we have the complete picture we cannot help but be loving, compassionate and kind towards everything and everybody around us. In this loving state of mind we bring ourselves to the very best vibrational tone we are able to attain in this present time. We then effortlessly arrive at the station of one of our countless incarnations. Our own personal appointment in Samarra! Our human experience is created from our vibration and it is a conundrum that all our lives are happening now. Yet we remember that Spirit cannot be contained in time or space! Life is like a train that circles the time track of our lives. We get on or off as the spirit moves us. Our vibration is our ticket to ride. Our vibration dictates our focus. We are everywhere present even as right now we are focused on earth 2017 with each of us enjoying a different experience. This is our earth ride and it will continue…..as we unfold our more clear understanding we communicate our more attuned self. This expansion of our understanding clears the self-made blocks we have created that keep us from seeing all that we are and can be. “I send out my energy to attract to myself those people and those situations that can best benefit from my wisdom, my abilities, and my love.” Patricia Hayes Namaste! emmy chetkin
5/5/2017 03:55:13 pm
Great message, Emmy. You should write more often! Love, Bob
Emmy Chetkin
6/28/2017 06:34:24 pm
Any chance you will come this way in summer?
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Roy Montgomery
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May 2024