“LOVE IS BEING ABLE TO VIEW A SITUATION WITHOUT ATTACHING DUALITY TO IT" - ALARIC HUTCHINSON7/11/2017 This statement of Alaric is challenging! We live in a dualistic world and duality by its very nature invites judgement. Duality is entrancing and keeps us distracted from our purpose to love and be loved. Judgement enters the picture even when it involves what we would call discernment. We do not see that these actions are also judgements. Even our opinion is just a polite way of saying judgement. What is our opinion but our view of good, better, best? Raymond Moody once aired a panel of persons who had experienced near death, (been declared dead) and had returned to tell their stories of life at the threshold of the spirit world. Many of the experiencers related dramatic and life changing events resulting from the NDE. One woman caught my attention as her story was simple, but contained an element that I never forgot. In her life review she saw all her good deeds, and there were many; but she also saw that only those deeds that she had done without thinking counted. I puzzled over this for many years. And one day in Egypt I met a man at the pyramids who walked and talked with our group. I asked him how he had learned to be so peaceful and he said it is easy; “don’t worry, don’t hurry, and don’t think too much”! When we take the time to think before we give, before we love, before we help, we are judging the pros and cons. We do not think of this as judgement but it is. The really nice woman had to think before she gave. Judgement!
Will we ever arrive at a time when we just naturally do the loving and most inclusive thing? It seems Pollyanna and not very practical to suspend judgement as Alaric seems to suggest. To any sensible person judgement is necessary! What if we went on a judgement diet? “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Judgement is a weight we carry. If we could completely trust there would be no need for judgement! We live and breathe and have our being within the mind of God Creator All That Is. Do we not trust God’s plan for us? Does not the Universe know what we need and want? In all of the animal and plant kingdom we are the only life form to interfere in God’s plan. If it crosses your path it is for you! If we resist trust we may someday have no other resource but to trust! With practice, our lack of judgement and with practice our ability to trust will bring us to include all of life. The universe knows what we want and need, and as we begin to trust the current of life, and see that we do not have to think so much, perfect solutions and perfect scenarios will present themselves to us. There is a book called “the surrender experiment” by Michael Singer. In this book Michael decides to say yes to life. Yes, to whatever is asked of him. I will tell you that Michael also added meditation to his life. A lot of it! He decided to say yes to life and not judge or weigh the issues presented to him. Michael’s life changed dramatically. His life became full and colorful and rich! He went from a struggling professor to a successful businessman who never lost his humility and just kept on saying yes to what God put in his path. Jesus asks, “Have ye forgotten ye are gods?” God holds within Itself all that is. God does not reject but includes us all! This is our challenge! To be the Gods that we are! Do we think God’s plan would not be fun? Fulfilling? Joyful? We could begin in small ways to trust God. We could begin in small ways to cast off doubt and fear. We could become the Gods that we are! Love is inclusion at its most divine! Namaste! emmy You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. Franz Kafka
1 Comment
Love is all about care. When you care someone unconditionally irrespective of his flaws, that means you love that person from the bottom of your heart. It is involuntary and is having a yen for a specific person. From my perspective, it is the most powerful emotion that a person can experience. Sometimes, the word love is utilized in the right way, and sometimes, it is abused by the non-identical sets of emotions. But the matter of fact is if you know the true meaning of love, and how to spread love, you will certainly comprehend a situation without being judgemental.
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Roy Montgomery
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May 2024