“keep your heart chakra open!” dr.susan persico
Susan Persico, who was our friend, and was also member of our church passed into spirit January 19. Susan was scheduled to speak this March 26th and I had been looking forward to her talk. Her lectures came from life experiences and were natural and inspirational and fun! I remembered her last talk here in the church and I went to my computer to listen once again to Susan’s account of her near death experience which occurred in December of 1982. In her talk last year Susan shared the high points of her NDE. I smiled as I listened because even within the event Susan was having an inner detailed commentary on what was occurring. She reacted to the events with wonder, interest, joy, acceptance, and a desire for more. Most importantly Susan returned from that visit to the spirit world with a profound understanding of love and the truth of our oneness. I am grateful to Susan for sharing that intimate and intense and sometimes funny event with us. It is comforting and a validation of all we believe. The love Susan was infused with “blew her heart chakra” open; and her experience of how real our connection to one another, and to all that is, was classic. Susan is a perfect example of how we can live in this world of duality and still know we are one! It is when we forget our oneness that life seems to become more difficult, more pressing. We live in a world of duality where the opposite is always showing itself. A world where we often want things to be different than what they are. Wanting something to be different takes us out of the present moment. The present moment is the only place where we can create anything, even change! If we truly want things to be “better” then we must stop judging. Carl Jung tells us that we cannot change anything unless we accept it ……..”Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.” I am sure we have all had moments where we did not want the “it” to stop. As we are being bathed in the sheer exhilaration of nature and of life we do not judge, or wish for change. However, when life hands us not so wonderful experiences we tend to lose our center. We are upset and we judge the situation as bad. If we would like to increase the beauty and learn to move more easily through the “not so good”; we must realize more and more that God is in all of life and we are part of God. We can learn to bless what we see for it is all part of us; the oneness. Be still and draw upon the love that is within us; bless the situation with healing and know you cannot heal from a place of anger, judgement, or discontent. We are vibratory beings and we can lift our vibration into healing by our attention to the love and the oneness that is the truth of us. Less than good situations can create sadness and all manner of negative emotions. Susan tells a wonderful story of a message she received one day as she looked at a depressing scene in a train station. As Susan observed the scene she thought; “There but for the grace of God go I.” A new thought “popped” into her head. “there with the grace of God go I.” The lesson of oneness had been well taken! We are many! Yet we are one! We are not all going to have a near death experience, but we can learn from the experiences of those who have been there and were brave and loving enough to share with us the blessings they were given. Thank you Susan Persico! and thank you to all who have written of their NDEs through the years. Namaste! emmy chetkin Go to www.livingspiritlilydale.org and click on “more” in top right for past speakers. Susan is April 2016
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