Sometimes in times of trouble we feel our “hands are tied.” I say that in times of trouble let us feel our hands as lifted in the celebration of hallelujah! Surrender! In our physical world we see surrender as a weakness. In our spiritual understanding surrender is a gift and a blessing. A sign of wisdom! If a problem has arrived, be happy! Feel free to give the hallelujah of thanks. If a so-called unsolvable problem has arrived in our personal world it means that we are ready to take another step in our spiritual unfoldment. The solution exists and is waiting to take its place within our physical being. We carry within our being the beautiful condition of the God state. This state is our auto pilot for those times when the act of thinking cannot take us to where we need to be. We cannot always think our way to solutions for our brains do not have all the answers. Our brains are learning machines. After an experience our brain can rewire itself to integrate the new information. Once the new understanding comes to us it becomes part of our problem-solving gift. How do we arrive at the door of understanding? One way is to lay the problem on the altar of surrender. Then be still! Do not interfere! It is our interference that is often the cause and the delay to the manifestation of our desires. Be still and give wisdom a chance to speak; banish judgement about the situation and trust that if the problem has arrived; the answer is not far behind. We know that our mind can only hold what we already know. When we cannot see a solution, we often become stuck in the cliché of doing what we always have done when problems arise. Hopefully when we have exhausted all our previous knowledge, we realize we need new inspiration. Inspiration comes from spirit. Inspiration is the state of being filled with the spirit…in spirit. When this occurs, we are free from uncertainty. We are effortlessly guided to God’s plan for us and move forward toward healing whatever challenge is before us. Yes, we do have purpose! Just like our GPS, spirit, which is the truth of us, is always and everywhere present and does not let us get too far off course. We can avoid the delays and the upset if we sit in silence; in stillness. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven! It is our interference which slows us down and prolongs our suffering. Now in reality I (most of us) find it very difficult to “trust” and to do nothing! Yet if we avoid interfering, a solution can arise as if by magic. Stay out of the problem. Do not muddy it even more with our doubt, anger, or fear. Remind ourselves that God created this world and declared it good. I suggest we practice “lack of judgement”. Judge not! Practice the gift of Trust! A course of action will present itself. If I am in difficulty, I know that somewhere, sometime, somehow, I created this detour from God’s creation and am now reaping what I have sown. Healing the situation can require some steps. Nothing can be healed or return to the goodness of life if we are filling ourselves with any negative emotions! Release judgement and accept what is at the moment. Trust that God, Infinite Intelligence, All That Is, the God of your understanding! created and declared this world good. We are sometimes so lost in whatever situation has us held in fear or anger that we forget who we are. We need from time to time to sit in the silence urged by our pioneers in order to return to our truth. We are spirit grand and glorious, sensitive and humble. We have within our being the answers and the healing for whatever situation we have created; consciously or unconsciously. And the answers can come to light as we sit in silence. If we only make one resolution for 2019 let it be a promise to ourselves to sit every day in silence for whatever time we feel comfortable. Sitting still clears the desk of our mind and allows space for whatever gifts are on our doorstep to enter our consciousness.
May all beings enjoy a healthy, happy and harmonious New Year. Namaste! emmy chetkin True stillness comes organically through moments of solitude where we allow our minds to settle. As water seeks its own level, the mind will gravitate toward the holy. Muddy water will become clear if allowed to stand undisturbed, and so too will the mind become clear if it is allowed to be still. deng ming-dao
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Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024