We are always and everywhere manifesting, creating, and experiencing. Our sleeping self leaves the ties of body and observes what is. From that God’s eye view we “see” our solutions and our obstacles. With this powerful inner sight, we are able to receive the guidance which brings us to the answers we seek. Do we think that Spirit needs rest? Spirit needs time to think? Only the body rests; only humans think.
“we are most alive when in our dreams awake”carl jung When the body is at rest spirit, the everywhere present, impersonal power continues to be. It is the guardian angel that always cares for our highest good. Our dreams speak to us. The feelings we get in our dreams; the colors we see; the people we see; all are sign posts showing the way. Every nuance of the dream is important. The Talmud tells us “an unexamined dream is like an unopened letter from God”. God has given us many lines of communication to use when we are away from “home”. Dreaming is a line of communication that occurs naturally every time we sleep. The experience of dreaming is in each of us as are all abilities of the spirit. No aspect of our creation was wasteful! Everyone dreams! It is up to us to expand our awareness of dreaming. It is up to us to treat dreaming with the same respect as any gift of the spirit. These abilities are part of our being and all are here for us to utilize on our earthly journey. In olden times dreams and dreamers received respect. Today we seem to have stepped back from this language of the soul. Dreams are considered by many to be frivolous and merely a mixed-up rehashing of our day, or even a view of repressed desires. We must come to understand that dreams come from the unconscious. The unconscious brings many gifts and dreams are one of them. Lack of practice and attention to an ability can diminish its relevance in our lives . Today science and the medical field are coming to an understanding of dreams that we in philosophy and religion have long known. Sleep they say allows us to make connections that we might never have consciously formed. (natgeo 8/18) To be more aware of our dreams we must make dreamtime important. Energy goes where our attention goes. Energy goes to what we accept as important to us. Inventors and musicians often say that their music and their inventions came in dream time. Elias Howe invented the sewing machine from a dream he had of a snake. In biblical times dreams were understood to be important. The most popular of these biblical dreamers is Joseph of the many-colored coat and his dreams for the king of Egypt. Here in our time we know Black Elk the Ogala Sioux had dreams and visions. The Aborigine of Australia are famous for their ability to dream and for their culture surrounding dream time. These Aboriginal dreamers never lost the dream time ability. They call dream time the “all-at-once” time. This principle is very similar to our spiritualist belief of “everywhere” present”. On a lighter note we could remind ourselves that often when struggling with a problem we do indeed say; I just need to sleep on it! One of my granddaughters brought the science of dreaming to my attention and I thank her for nudging me toward dreaming again. Many of us have lost the ability to understand the “language of dreams”. There is a book by John Sanford written in 1989 entitled Dreams: “Gods forgotten language”. Let us strengthen our ability to dream and respect this forgotten language of God. Next time you have a problem “sleep on it”! The morning may bring you solutions you did not know existed. Namaste! emmy chetkin
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Roy Montgomery
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May 2024