Any situation that can be conceived, already exists in eternity. The eternal now! Neville Goddard11/1/2020 My husband had many regrets regarding his life. One night he appeared to me excited and eager for me to look at a key he was holding. He kept saying “look at it”! I was so surprised to see him that I took my time before looking at the key. (this only agitated him!) He kept saying, “look at it”! So, I looked. On the key was engraved his past birth date. Within myself there was no thought of what or why. I knew immediately that he had the key and could return to this life. I knew he welcomed the opportunity to revisit actions, and non-actions taken. He knew he could see now with a fresh perspective. We all have this gift. All of life already is and all of life is the karmic wheel, turning endlessly through time. Time does not move. We move through time. And this world is always present to us if we choose to explore. This is “the game of life”. Maybe we would like a chance to up our game! In fact, Neil DeGrasse and other scientists have begun to speculate that this world is a simulation. This theory reminds us that this world is the Maya, or the illusion, taught by many eastern religions. This belief that we are separate is one of the illusions we have accepted without question. Albert Einstein calls this belief of separate a delusion of consciousness. We “see” duality, so we accept duality. Duality is another illusion. Duality is a like a carrot. A carrot tempting us to enter in and enjoy the world. And this is fun but like many temptations we are soon ensnared. I call this condition, addicted. In this deep sleep of Adam, we can awaken more and more. We can enjoy duality! We can own duality but not let duality own us. We forget we are one and that this is the illusion, the delusion. We have apparent deaths, apparent hurts, all manner of illusions to keep us in “hell”. We are in truth ONE. We are saved by the One! The One appearing as many so that we may more easily know ourselves. We are mirrors to self! “Know thyself and you will know God. The world was created and declared good! My daughter Sara channeled a teaching years ago that I will paraphrase here: Once we really understand the idea that there is nowhere else to go except to go within your mind. To know that you are always, no matter what the experience, experiencing yourself. When this knowing awakens, the idea of responsibility, or attraction falls away. Attraction, responsibility, and other similar ideas imply that there is something, or someone else; as in an-other. Know that you are always observing yourself, and you are always within your own mind. So, when we say,” I attract this, I attract that“. Where are those things coming from? A void that is separate from you? You are not separate; it is all you! Namaste! emmy chetkin “When you wake up, you will find that this whole world above and below is nothing more than a regarding of oneself.” Hakuin...zen master (1686-1769)
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Roy Montgomery
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May 2024