A wonderful past life artist came to our church many years ago. Her name was J. Lee Hall and she offered past life drawings to members of the congregation who were interested. I stepped forward and sat in the chair facing J. Lee. The moment I sat down I saw clearly a woman from ancient times walking slowly toward me with tears in her eyes. I heard her say, “never die for a cause”. I did not hear or feel anything more and soon J. Lee was showing me my drawing and explaining the people she had drawn. I noticed there were dates underneath the drawings and asked what they represented. She told me those were the dates that I had died. Pointing to a young woman in the picture (the woman to the left right of the “scary man”) J lee said,” this is your last life”. I did not say anything, but I was certain she must be mistaken as the date was my year of birth. I had the belief system that we spent quite some time in the spirit world before returning to earth life and that date would have meant I was “back in an instant”. In the years that followed I received several clues that supported J. Lees’ assessment of instant return to earth life.
J. Lee did many spirit drawings that day. At the end of the day, she began to tell the relevance of those entities she had drawn from our other lives. J. Lee told me that my man in red was a healer. Sadly, I must confess I did not listen to much about him because his appearance was a little unnerving to me! Fast forward many years and I and my husband are in Greece touring a healing center. All healing centers are called Asclepions and dedicated to the god of healing Asclepius. Our group sat in the center of the Asclepion in meditation. I closed my eyes and to my dismay that “scary man” was right there. I wrote: the scary man is here. I do not know exactly what happened next, but “he” took my pen and drew a line through scary and replaced it with “gentle” man. I was in a daze as down the hill we all went to board our bus. Our driver was standing on the shore and I stood with him. I pointed across the small expanse of water to a mass of land and asked the driver: “what is that land?” Turkey, he answered. I was downloaded with information. That “scary” man was a healer and came across the water to study and to teach at the Asclepion. What a revelation. The scary man was indeed a gentle man and I had spent years resisting him. I had “judged” this gentle healer based on appearance. Today I love the portrait and feel no fear. Perhaps it was our proximity to Turkey that allowed this gentle man to manifest so clearly and to correct my error! As I close this message I am reminded of Anita Moorjani and her book Dying To Be Me. Lisa Williams was kind enough to bring me a signed copy of Anita’s book ; the inscription said: “Emmy live your life fearlessly.“ I would add that Jesus and also the Psalms lightly scold us when they ask? Have ye forgotten ye are Gods? May this year guide us to more and more awakenings til one day we awaken and remember who we are! Then we shall indeed live life fearlessly. Namaste! emmy chetkin
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Roy Montgomery
Lifetime member COLS Wildflower Editor Previous Messages
May 2024