In a recent trip to Florida I witnessed one of the most stunning sunsets. With each day the sun sets later and later. As the days grow longer, we anticipate daylight savings time in a few short weeks. Clocks moving backwards, and clocks moving forward does any of this really matter when it comes to what time means to each of us? Although we measure time in hours and minutes, time is timeless and our time is priceless both here and hereafter. Revel in your time. Cherish every infinite moment as you live your past, present and future in a single instant. Take seriously the old adage of don’t waste your time. As I watched the sun slowly setting below the horizon of water surrounded by vibrant colors of oranges browns and golden yellows, I felt a sense of calm, wonderment and the presence of our eternal God. I was in a most incredible precise moment of time. I encourage each of you to find and embrace your own extraordinary moments.
Nameste – Nancy Lombardo
Nancy LombardoPresident of the Archives
May 2024
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